Monday, March 10, 2008

I have a sleep pee-er


Karson always has to use the restroom while he is sleeping. ....The only problem is, is that, he absolutely can not find any of our bathrooms in our home at night!

The other night, I woke up to my husband saying "What in the hell" look over and see Karson standing in my bedroom with his little pants around his ankles, he had opened my night stand drawer and yes, PEED in it!

What do you do but laugh at 3:00 a.m. when there is a 6 year old peeing into one of your dressers. Karson thinks I was lying when I told him about it, he doesn't remember anything about it, Do you think there is a medical term for Sleep Peeing


The Capson's said...

That is so funny! My little brother Did that in one of my mom's plants. It must be a little boy thing. Happy Birthday Tomorrow Court. I hope you have a fabulous Birthday. Thinking of you.

Tara said...

I can't stop laughing about that! I'm sure you could coin the term for the medical condition of sleep peeing, and we would all believe you!