Tuesday, March 11, 2008


At least at my house, I feel like I am yelling like 98% of the time....

It's the 2% that makes it all worth while....today, was one of those days...

I came downstairs in my Mom's house, this is how I found Mitch (my nephew) and Kars.

Mitch just laid there on Kars for like 5 minutes watching him play his video game.

It was so sweet! I love these two little boys so much!


Unknown said...

K that is the cutest thing ever. Those moments make the other 98% of the time worth it.

Jess said...

Court, I just found your blog. I want to get in touch. Jess Clement/Duncan

Bethany said...

I wish I had a camera behind my eyes to capture moments like that. I love it. Or I could at least be someone who kept a journal!

Gardners Glad Tidings said...

That is adorable. Kars is going to love the big brother thing. And I'm totally with you on the pregnancy thing. Greatest ever!