Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Easter Bunny is losing his touch...

So, somewhere Karson came up with that the Easter Bunny besides leaving everyone treats in one night, is also magical...

He can get Nintendo games months before they are released in stores, due to his magical powers..

Needless to say, Karson didn't get Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for Easter, since it doesn't hit stores till April 20th...and his response..

"Mom, I am not let down for not getting my game...I am just let down that the Easter Bunny is losing his touch!"

Man, Santa is going to really be on the ball this year, huh?


Barnes Squad said...

Everytime I hear stories like that it makes me so grateful that my kids really haven't figured out if they want something keep asking for it. They want it in the store and then it leaves there mind so quickly. Berkley is starting to ask for stuff for his birthday this year, hopefully it doesn't get so out of control. How is the pregnancy going?

Bethany said...

That is too funny! I hope he's not as disappointed in Santa.
P.S. Court, you look gorgeous. You have nothing to worry about in Hawaii. You'll look great regardless.

Megan said...

Oh my gosh, that is so funny! What a cute little boy you have!

Gardners Glad Tidings said...

That is so funny - poor Karson! Jealous of the Hawaii trip - have so much fun. You're beautiful!
Love you.