Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My family

This is my family. Strange, YES! Very much so! Life is a crazy ride. 10 years ago in high school, if you would have told me that I would have been married twice with a freaking 17 year old step daughter, 2 boys and a baby on the way, I would have laughed, HARD! Who would have ever guessed that performing would end and family life begin so quickly. I don't have regrets! I love my life. There are many mornings that I like alot of people wake up and say "Whoa! What the crap happened!" I am so happy for all of my friends I love to look through your blogs and see your incredible families and how happy you are!


Tara said...

What a cute family picture! I'm glad you found my blog....I'll keep checking in on you and your beautiful family! Congrats on the baby on the way! It looks like you are having so much fun!

Natalie said...

Hey Courtney!
I was so excited to hear from you! It's so fun to see your cute family and see that you are doing well--you deserve it! Congrats on the coming baby too, that is so exciting! You are such a sweetheart and I wish you the best! Love ya!
Natalie (Brewster) Campbell