Monday, April 28, 2008

Who else is anti-maternity clothes???

Why is it that 90% of all maternity clothes make you look like you are wearing a mumu?

I mean isn't being pregnant enough torment ! Why should you feel like crap and look like it too????

I am anti-maternity clothes, yep swimsuits and all, I have started just buying stuff at Forever 21 that's a size too big, and yes I am planning on sporting a bikini at the beach this week, no pictures though, I mean come on.... no one wants to see that !!!

I HAVEN'T GONE THIS FAR YET!!! ISN'T THIS HILARIOUS, talk about a sweet wedding !


thehaucks said...

Okay, that is just wrong and hilarious and a little disturbing. I hear ya on the mumu thing--I'm totally in that in-between phase when normal clothes don't fit and maternity things feel like tents. Ahhh the glamour...

Scott said...

Yikes! It's a good thing her Tina Turner hair balances out the picture :)

Pregnant women are cute (must be a vitality thing). No need to hide what you got going.

Bethany said...

I am completely anti-maternity clothes. I never fit into the shirts and the pants were always falling off. I just bought long shirts and wore stretchy pants most of the time. It is so sad that you have to feel big and look big. Show it off because people will stare at you anyway.